Since the moment of your birth, you started making sense of the world. Making meaning is largely an unconscious act, however, you can introspect and choose what means the most to you.
End of life Guide
Crossing Threshold is here to serve you and your loved ones. We serve as faithful witnesses to those that are in the end days. Based on the needs of the individual and their stage of dying we may sit in silence and serve as a healing presence, actively listen, hold space, provide readings, music, conversation, healing touch and loving companionship. A Death Midwife serves as a transition guide at this sacred time by facilitating support with some of the following possibilities:
Crafting A Legacy Project - A Death Midwife can guide the family in a creative project from start to fruition to honor the person's life.
Creating Sacred Space - In this vulnerable life stage, clearing the space of both physical clutter and energetic stagnation helps create a serene environment for a conscious transition.
Life Review & Reflection - This is a natural time to begin reflecting. A Death Midwife is a neutral person to gently guide in a biographical journey of the meaning of the person's life by exploring the life span with love and compassion.
Healing Relationships - A Death Midwife can walk the person through some helpful ways to ask and offer forgiveness, gratitude and love for those relationships they wish to bring wholeness and closure.
Saying Goodbye - There are so many ways to say goodbye, befriend and love the end. A Death Midwife can help encourage someone to find their way. This often helps the body know it is time to go.
“The bridge between worlds is always available, around us, inside find it we need only trust our own true nature and notice the perfection unfolding in our lives. Then the path will open up...”
Death Midwives are educators and consultants. Crossing Threshold consultants are NOT acting as medical or funeral professionals or attorneys. Information received from Crossing Threshold consultants, or from this website, should NOT be considered a substitute for advice of a medical professional or lawyer. Crossing Threshold does NOT provide any medical, funeral director nor legal advice.